
The project LIFE ÁGUA DA PRATA has three main objectives:

  • To (re)use natural sources of underground origin to meet green space irrigation needs, allowing to spare about 120.000 m3 per year of treated surface water and to reduce shortage threats to human consumption;
  • To promote pilot work for climate change adaptation, which enables the reuse of the aqueduct for water distribution, supplying, through a new and differentiated system, about 50% of the city's green areas;
  • Complementarily, to promote structural adaptation of intervened green areas (with nature-based solutions and ecosystem approaches, adapted to the local context) in order to mitigate the effects of heatwaves and extreme precipitation events, as well as to promote demonstrative solutions for water use efficiency and energy savings (including a set of off-grid pilot solutions for small gardens and the promotion of water-saving urban gardens using more efficient irrigation).

This project is financed by the LIFE Programme from the European Union, with 60% of its costs being granted through project LIFE17 CCA/PT/000076The contents and information provided on this site are the full responsibility of Município de Évora and its authors, and may not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union. Nor CINEA nor the European Commission are liable for any of this information or for the use that may be made of the information this website contains.