Replicability and transferability refer to the potential of the project to be replicated by other stakeholders and/or transferred to other regions or countries during and/or after its implementation.
To be successful, project replication and transfer work will be based on its own Strategy, which will identify the main tasks to be undertaken to broaden the impact of the solutions achieved, and to involve greater critical mass during the project and/or in the short and medium term after its conclusion.
Under the adopted concept, such strategy is not to be dissociated from a set of complimentary achieved results that are specifically foreseen under technical dissemination and networking, as well as in those related to designing the After-LIFE Plan.
In this context, the elaboration of the Transfer and Replication Strategy envisaged in action C6 to be executed along the last 12 months of the project, will give special attention not only to the concrete results of actions C1 to C5, but also to the assessment of their impacts through action D1 and to contacts and technical activities carried out with actions E2 and E3.
Its activities go beyond technical dissemination of results and networking (for which actions E2 and E3 are mainly directed, having for target a national and a EU audience, respectively), and aim at targeting more effective and concrete replication of the project solutions, if possible within the project’s execution timeframe.
Under this context, the activities to undertake include: